Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What’s it All About

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Why would anyone want to be in a poly relationship? For me the answer is family, life, fellowship, community, love. Poly isn’t about sex as so many on lookers assume.

Polygyny is about FAMILY. Being there as a family for one another is one of the more important things we can do. Family is forever in my way of thinking. We can join a church, or a club, or hang out at some place, or whatever. We can also be asked to leave just as fast as we joined. But when we are family it’s different. Family has a way of connecting and being there for each other. When we are family we are in it for the long haul. That is real friendship and fellowship.  

Polygyny is about LIFE. Children are a gift and blessing from our creator. And one of the results of a polygynous family is many children. I love my children, they amaze me in so many ways. I love to watch them grow and learn new things. I find it fascinating to see them figure things out.

Polygyny is about FELLOWSHIP. The fellowship betweeb husband and wives is obvious but the fellowship between the wives is just as real. The wives have a connection that few other relationships can produce. It’s deeper than the best, ‘ best friends relationship’.

Polygyny is about COMMUNITY. Many believers in Messiah express a desire to have a deeper level of community with fellow believers. This is definitely lived out in a polygynous family. Day to day tasks, achievements, joys and hardships alike are all shared in a much deeper level.

Polygyny is about LOVE. Messiah has told us, there is no greater love than a person lay down their life for their friends. Surely marriage on any level is a display of such love, or at least it should be. In polygyny we have the opportunity to have those who love us near to us daily though. I think of one story of a child who grew up in a polygynous home. She said her friends from school all went home to empty houses as both parents worked in all those families. But for her there was always someone there, the house was never empty. Her friends struggled with depression and gave into many unrighteous temptations. But she never really experienced that. For her, she exclaimed that she always had a mother to talk to.